Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rabies? Reporting? WTF?

I'm a little bewildered at the moment. It's not rabies, no one else is talking about it, and frankly it's getting a little creepy. New happenings:

  • I have been trying to go back and find the articles that first brought the whole rabies thing to my attention. There was a site for both Estes Park and Lyons, but both have been down for a while. I've been looking for other media coverage without much luck. I'm actually finding my internet service to be all around kind of spotty.
  • I mentioned the rabies thing to a nurse friend who works at Exempla, and he kind of laughed about it and said rabies can't possibly have set in that fast. If something was wrong with them, he said, it was not rabies. Then he told me something kind of quietly (we were at the Buckhorn Exchange) that had been bugging him. He had seen a few patients brought in earlier showing showing the same symptoms as they reported for that kid in Lyons. They were, for the most part, incoherent and dazed, but he said he heard one of the patients mumble something like "hungry" over and over.
  • Another friend called me last night to tell me what happened a few blocks away from 16th St. close to the Curtis Hotel. She said some guy was hopped up on something and stumbling around groping at people, and looked really pale and sick. He got violent with one person, so she called 911, who responded that they were already aware of it. Police showed up and wrestled the guy to the ground, restrained him and took him away, but not before he bit a finger off from one of the officers. The description she gave me of the crazy guy reminded me of the descriptions my friend at Exempla gave me.
So.... Ok. Rabies? Seriously? I don't think so. Why isn't this being talked about on 9News? I mean, I know they take a ham-fisted approach to journalism, but surely they'e heard about this.

I know I probably don't have much of a readership yet, but is anyone else in Denver getting word of this??


  1. YO

  2. Thanks, it looks then like no one else has seen this in the local media....
