Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Freaky Happenings in Denver.... and Pickles!

Things are getting a little weirder here around Capitol Hill. While everyone's whining about the possibility that they might get swine flu, there's some crazy stuff going on right here that the national media just refuses to acknowledge.

It's this "rabies" thing. Everyone knows it's not rabies, but no one knows what else to call it. No one even seems to agree on what the symptoms, either. My friend from Exempla? I haven't heard from him since last week. I drove by there yesterday, and there were firetrucks and police lined up near one of the entrances. I think I saw smoke, but it was faint and I might have just let my imagination get the better of me after seeing the firetrucks.

On top of that, not only has my internet service been shaky, but so is my phone service, so I don't even know if my friend has even tried to call me to let me know what's going on there. I'm thinking about ditching my cable internet and using a wifi service ( instead. Hopefully it will be a little more stable than what I've got, and it looks like they do a free limited trial.

Ugh. The power has flashed twice since I started to write this. If this keeps up, I might start looking at generators.

I've lived in disaster areas before, where food and water quickly became scarce, so the emergency planner in me is about to go buy a ton of canned food and bottled water. I think I'm also going to pickle some veggies. It's easy and will make food last a hell of a long time. I'm really looking forward to getting some peppers from my garden just for that.

To pickle something, you need at a minimum the food to be pickled, vinegar, and a mason jar. You can work with much more than that, though. Here's the last recipe I came up with:

- 2 poblano peppers
- 5 pearl onions
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 carrot
- 1 serrano pepper
- White vinegar
- 1/2 cup of lime juice

Preparation is pretty simple. Chop all solid ingredients small enough to fit and evenly distribute in the jar. I like to leave my pearl onions whole, but it's not necessary. Mix it all like a salad, and toss it into the jar.

Next, add the lime juice, and fill the remainder of the jar in with vinegar. Some people swear by heating the vinegar first, so that it permeates the veggies faster. It also makes a good vacuum seal once it cools off. I think it makes the veggies a little too mushy, so I don't heat mine.

After that, just let it sit in a dark, cool place for 2 or 3 weeks. Once it's done, you'll have a mildly spicy and tangy mixture of pickled peppers and other veggies, and it will last even if (sigh) the power goes out for a while.

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